About Journal

Brief Introduction of Journal of Materials Engineering

Journal of Materials Engineering, a monthly journal in Chinese, started publication in 1956, openly distributed both at home and abroad. It is superintended by Aero Engine Corporation of China and sponsored by AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials. It is a comprehensive sci-tech periodical that publishes research articles mainly regarding the progress of materials engineering and applications. The journal has been indexed in Ei Compendex, CSA, CA, JST, DOAJ, etc. as well as in some principal Chinese databases.
The papers Research on Microwave Absorbability towards CNTs/Polyester Composites published in issue 2, 2003 and Investigation on Apply of Spectroscopic Chromatic-dispersion-power published in issue 1, 2006 were honored with TOP 100 Most Cited Chinese Papers Published in Domestic Journals in 2007 and 2008 respectively.
To ensure the academic quality of publications, all articles will be peer-reviewed (single-blind) and examined by editor-in-chief prior to publication. The journal owns an editorial board composed of renowned specialists at home and abroad and a strong team of hundreds of peer-reviewers.
Aims: The journal aims to report research progress of materials engineering and applications, create a communication platform for scientific researchers and promote the development of materials science and technology.
Scopes: The journal focuses on the publication of recent researches on new materials in high and new technology fields, new processing and approach of materials, calculation, simulation, properties and characterization of materials, etc. as well as reviews and research letters on materials with promising applications.
Readership: Any ones such as corporation leaders, scientific researchers, engineering technicians, professors and students in colleges etc. who pay attention to aeronautics, astronautics, metallurgy, petrochemical, mechatronics, light industry and construction materials, etc..
Indexed in:
                 Ei Compendex, ESCI, Scopus, CSA, CA, INSPEC, Ulrichs, JST, DOAJ 

Pubdate: 2024-06-06    Viewed: 98475

Founded in 1956 (monthly)

ISSN 1001-4381

CN 11-1800/TB

Sponsored by

AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials

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