Instruction for Authors


1 Editorial coverage

Journal of Materials Engineering, a monthly journal in Chinese, started publication in 1956, openly distributed both at home and abroad. It is a comprehensive sci-tech periodical that publishes recent progress  regarding new materials, new processing approaches, new technology during the course of engineering applications. The journal has been indexed in Ei Compendex, ESCI, CSA, CA, JST, DOAJ, etc. as well as in some principal Chinese databases. 

2 Submission requirements

(1) Papers should be submitted through our official website ( in the type of WORD(*.doc) document within the limit of 10M, and the documents larger than 10M cannot be uploaded and must be compressed. 

(2) Research and review articles, letters are accepted and the letter should be innovative or of enough importance to be published.

(3) No review fees are needed, but each published paper is charged for article processing fees. Details for paying the fees are listed in the Acceptance Notification. Remuneration will be paid and one journal will be supplied for free to the corresponding author after publication.

(4) Requirements for word count: research paper: 5000-7000 words; review paper: 8000-15000 words.

3 Format of papers

3.1 Abstract

The abstract is the window and the content is the essence of a paper. The abstract is independent from the main body of the paper and should summarize the innovation of the paper accurately, definitely and integrally, with word count around 400-600. Tips for writing abstracts:

(1) The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the process and the approaches used, the principal results and major conclusions. No background is needed, or, if necessary, an introduction of no longer than a line is tolerable. The process and the approaches should be stated in details, and the results and the conclusions should be listed definitely.

(2) The abstract should be clear, concise and complete, and it is advisable to use short sentences with varied structures. Present tense is used for stating the author's work.

(3) The expressions such as 'this study is the improvement for the past work' should not be presented in the abstract. Words that show the significance and the future research of the paper should also not be mentioned.

3.2 Introduction

The introduction of a paper should be around 1000 words. The introduction consists of 3 parts: the research background, the research progress at home and abroad and the contribution of the present work.

3.3 References

References should be the papers quoting directly from publications, and numbered with Arabic numerals according to the order they firstly appear in the text. The research progress should be the newest, and the references include domestic and overseas papers (better not quoting for the secondary reference). The references should include 15 papers at least.

Please refer to the Format Requirement for the Paper or the Reference Template.

3.4 Key words

It is advisable to provide 3-5, no more than 7 key words. The key words should represent the core content of the text.

4 About the academic misconduct
(1)The author should obey the academic principles, avoid submitting manuscript repeatedly and other forms of academic misconducts such as plagiarism. Once a manuscript is found to violate the rules, the author will be prohibited from submitting any manuscript to JME in two years, and the author will be asked to pay for the related loss.  For the manuscripts identified as academic misconduct, the rejection shall be processed; for the published ones recognized as academic misconduct, retraction procedure shall be undertaken, including withdrawing the article, releasing retraction statement, sending it to the author and the institution to which the author belongs.
(2)During the whole course of manuscript processing and publication, plagiarism check systems provided by CNKI and WANFANG DATA are applied to detect academic misconducts. Besides, peer reviewers are required to pay attention to any forms of academic misconducts while reviewing, and feedbacks from readers on published papers for misconduct behaviors are also welcomed.
(3) All the manuscripts will be evaluated through plagiarism check system during the initial review of the editorial department, and the plagiarism rate should not be over 15%. The manuscripts, with plagiarism rate of over 15%, will be rejected, and the ones less than 15%: ① if the repeated content is the main results and views, the manuscript will be directly rejected; ② if the duplicate content is about the introduction and experimental method parts, it indicates the manuscript still has academic value, but modifications are required before it proceeds to the peer review process.
5 About the review system
(1) The quality of manuscripts is examined through the initial review of editorial department, peer review and the final review from the editor-in-chief (as seen in the chart).
(2) Single-blind peer review is temporarily adopted by JME.
(3) The novelty, academic quality, engineering application value, rationality of experimental design, rigor of logic, and writing quality of manuscripts are especially focused on during the whole process of review.
6 Other agreements
(1) Normal review cycle is within 3 months and the processing course can be queried on line. While during the period, the author cannot submit repeatedly to any other journals. As certain manuscripts may be peer-reviewed for longer time due to some reasons, the author should inform the editor if he or she decides to submit to other journals or withdraw the manuscript.
(2) The author should obey the confidential principles, and avoid submitting manuscript with political, commercial and technological secrets. 
(3) The authors' names and the order of the names should not be changed arbitrarily after the Author’s Statement is signed. The changing is admitted only if all the authors sign a document to agree.
(4) The editor has the right to modify the words and expressions, but the responsibility (concerning politics, academy, security, etc.) of the paper is taken by the author after the proofreading draft (proofed by the author) is published.
(5) The copyright of any articles (printing edition, CD edition and web edition) published in JME belongs to its editorial board, including the right providing the articles to internet, to database at home and abroad and to index organizations. Remuneration will be paid to the author as soon as the article is published.


Pubdate: 2023-08-01    Viewed: 106866

Founded in 1956 (monthly)

ISSN 1001-4381

CN 11-1800/TB

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AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials

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